What are some of the applications for an AMDOR Roll-Up Door?

AMDOR roll-up doors are the ideal solution for numerous applications including emergency vehicles, tow trucks, wreckers, rotators, specialty vehicles, van bodies, storage lockers, marine storage and have even been used in architectural applications.

Compared to swing style doors, a roll-up door provides a safer work environment, especially for vehicles that often are used on the side of a road. A roll-up door provides security coupled with the ability to access compartment contents while maintaining visibility.

What is involved in AMDOR's quality/inspection process?

For details on our quality inspection process please click here.

What differentiates AMDOR Roll-Up Doors from the competition?

There are a number of things that differentiate AMDOR from the other suppliers.
  • A driven ball and socket slat design offers the strongest curtain in the industry.
  • AMDOR utilizes a stainless steel lift bar and balancer shaft eliminating corrosion and offering a rigid solution which will not bow or flex.
  • The door slat seals used in the AMDOR product are dual durometer. One portion of the seal acts as a retainer while a second leg is designed to be compressed between the aluminum slats reducing operating noise and virtually eliminating water penetration through the curtain.
  • Standard bottom flange cut-outs allow easier access with gloved hands.
  • The interior surface of the door curtain is flat and smooth eliminating equipment hang-up.
  • Slats are individually painted prior to assembly to ensure full coverage including the ball section of the hinge mechanism avoiding bare spots.
  • AMDOR lift bar strikers feature a proprietary design which supports the underside of the lift bar. This feature delivers improved sealing, reduced bottom seal wear, and virtually eliminates false door ajar signals.
  • AMDOR roll-up doors are designed with a removable snap-lock end shoe to allow for quick and easy replacement of individual slats.
  • AMDOR side frames were designed to accept and protect a Luma Bar™ Integral compartment light. The Integral option is available in standard as well as custom lengths which provide adjustable aiming capabilities and a consistent 120° beam pattern. This compartment light also features an auto resettable fuse to protect against damage from power surges.

Can I retrofit my vehicle that currently has swing doors to accommodate an AMDOR Roll-Up Door?

Yes, quite often vehicles are retrofitted to accept a roll-up door. There may be modifications required to the door openings (to ensure they are square) and the AMDOR order form outlines all of the dimensions that would be required. A 6” top gutter is also available to easily provide the body header necessary to accommodate a roll-up door coil.

Please contact your local AMDOR representative or our customer service department to discuss your retro-fit project.

What is the minimum header requirement?

The AMDOR slat and balancer design represent the tightest coil in the industry. Based upon door height and corresponding coil diameter headers as small as 1.5”are possible. In virtually any scenario AMDOR offers the largest interior compartment space in the roll-up door industry. When designing your vehicle, feel free to contact your local AMDOR representative to discuss how we can work together to maximize compartment space.

What surface finishes are available?

AMDOR offers door curtains with anodized aluminum, brushed anodized aluminum, and custom paint including metallic. More information is available in the ‘Options’ section of the website.

Is your door waterproof?

No roll-up door is 100% waterproof. The AMDOR system includes dual durometer inter-slat seals, dual leg side seals, a dual top gutter to top land seal and dual leg bottom seal. A good installation will ensure correct seal interfaces minimizing water ingression when the door is in the closed position. In reality most of the water that ends up in compartments is the result of water dripping off of the exterior surface of the door when it coils up inside the enclosure. In response to this operational issue AMDOR offers a drip shield with or without drainage tubes.

Is there an automatic door opening device available for AMDOR doors?

No, we currently do not offer an option that would automatically open and close the doors.

How big is the door coil when in the open position?

The coil size is directly correlated to the height of the door used. When designing your vehicle, feel free to contact your local AMDOR® representative to review dimensions. There is also a chart available in our 'Downloads' area of our website, or click here.

Can an AMDOR door be painted?

AMDOR uses a 4-stage automotive wet paint process and can produce virtually any color. For more information about AMDOR door finishes please click here.

Do the side frames, sill plates, and/or top gutters come painted when I order a door?

The side frames and top gutter can be painted upon request as an additional option over and above paint application for the curtain. In most instances customers prefer that framing materials remain anodized due to the abuse seen during deployment and stowage of equipment. Anodized framing also acts as a color break to visually differentiate the compartment doors from the body of the vehicle. Due to the significant levels of abrasion and impact seen by sill plates AMDOR will not paint this component.

Does AMDOR offer a drip shield?

Yes, AMDOR offers a drip shield with or without drainage tubes, for more information click here.

At what width is an idler tube required to provide additional support to the door curtain?

Due to the industry leading rigidity of the AMDOR curtain an idler tube is not a requirement. However doors 52” wide or wider will benefit from smoother operation and improved top gutter to curtain sealing when using an idler tube.

Why do you use a small slat when your competition uses a larger slat?

The door slat directly correlates to curtain strength as well as coil diameter. AMDOR driven ball and socket acts as a structural hinge. The 1” slat results in the strongest door in the industry combined with the tightest coil. The best of both worlds.

If my equipment moves around and leans against the door, will it jam the compartment door and stop it from opening?

The smooth flat interior surface of the AMDOR curtain helps alleviate the potential of freight/equipment hang-ups. The AMDOR curtain also has the strongest diaphragm rating in the industry meaning that there is reduced bowing and flexing. Simply leaning against an AMDOR curtain versus a competitive brand will demonstrate the superior quality of the AMDOR design.

Do you have a door ajar switch?

AMDOR offers two styles of door ajar switch:
  1. A military grade mechanical button-style which may only be activated when the door lift bar is securely engaged with the striker.
  2. A magnetic switching system (positive or negative ground available). This model has an infinitely adjustable Reed switch module located on the side frame. The magnetic signal is supplied by a magnet located either within a specially marked red end shoe or the bottom panel itself. Click here for more information about the magnetic door ajar switch.

Can I have a lock on my AMDOR?

Yes, an option AMDOR offers a variety of popular manual key lock codes. We also offer the AMLOK power locking system. This power locking system includes the manual lock system which provides an override feature in the event of a power failure. Click here for more information.

What maintenance is recommended to keep my doors in good condition?

Clean with mild soap and water as you would clean any vehicle. Regular cleaning of the track with soap and water is recommended. Once clean and dry you may apply a light film of dry silicone along the inside leg of the side seals which meet with the door curtain. Do not use any other lubricants on the door or inside the track as these will often attract dirt and debris which will become deposited on the door end shoes and mounting plates. Lock cylinders should be exercised regularly and lubricated using a manufacturers approved process. Any damaged or worn seals should be replaced immediately. Over time the balancer may be adjusted as needed so long as neutral balance is maintained. Over tightening the spring assembly will result in a door that is difficult to close and will reduce spring service life.

How can I get a quote on a door?

There is an online order/quote form or you can reach our customer at 1-877-845-3816 or via e-mail at .

If I damage some slats, can we replace them in the field or do I need to send the vehicle to an authorized service center?

Our slats are very easy to change due to the snap lock design. All that we require for replacement is the serial number located on the interior surface of the bottom panel. It is also possible to temporarily move slats which have suffered aesthetic damage. Simply swap slats from the top of the door curtain (top slats are hidden from view) with the damaged slats in the field until replacements arrive.

How can we help you?

Contact us for a no obligation discussion about the best product to suit your requirements.
Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are available to help you choose the right product for your needs, or alternatively, provide a quote for our products.

  • Fire Apparatus Manufacturers Association
  • Halton Down Syndrome Association
  • United Way Halton Hamilton
  • Community Living Burlington
  • Innovators Alliance Member
Fire Apparatus Manufacturers Association Halton Down Syndrome Association United Way Halton Hamilton Community Living Burlington Innovators Alliance Member


3435 South Service Road
Burlington, ON L7N 3W6

4304 Walden Ave.
Lancaster, NY 14086

Toll Free: 877-845-3816
Phone: 905-333-6745



3435 South Service Road
Burlington, ON L7N 3W6

4304 Walden Ave.
Lancaster, NY 14086

Toll Free: 877-845-3816
Phone: 905-333-6745






truck roll-up door